Monday, April 9, 2012

My sickness update, part one.

Hey guys!

First, let me say that Miriam showed me a lot of your responses since I was without a computer, and I'm getting as emotional now as I was then. This is unusually hard to write on ipad, either because there is a lot of electricity around here, so conduction is weak, or it's because my fingers are useless for the Ipad. Yesterday, that was actually true, and I had to wash and dry my fingers to get anything to work, but today I find there is a disconnect from what you touch and what you actually select. It makes it hard to use email and Facebook, and I was also having trouble with HBOGo. I think it's because it's so hot and humid here that every so often it has trouble figuring out what you actually selected.

After that pathetic excuse, let me start by where I remember: The night of the sixth. I can't really remember anything until sometime in the night, with my parents there. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I remember until promtpted. However, that was the beginning of true lucidity. Although I don't really remember the CT scan either. Yesterday Miriam and I watched the season 2 premiere of Game of Thrones and I discovered that I actually remembered it but I didn't actually remember watching it. Of course, the next day is when all this started, so I'm not surprised I don't remember. And there were just two announcements (rapid response 911 and a code blue) that makes it going to be a busy night so I'll stop here and continue the update tomorrow.

I'm trying to publish to my general blog because for some reason an outgoing email didn't make it and I'm not entirely sure when I'll be back on my actual personal internet service. It's almost 6 am. Dan'll be here today. Can't remember who else will be here today, but I'm going to try to get more sleep.

5:20am: Wow. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up really disoriented. I guess the past few nights I've had a family member be something of a familiarity buffer, because I woke up to a lot of stuff going on. I kind of recognized the black male nurse, but without the female nurse, Mary, it would have taken an awful lot to recognize the room I fell asleep in. Guess this is what happens when you finally get a bit of uninterrupted sleeping time.

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