I guess I'm starting to take this writing stuff seriously again.
I've started freelancing over at TextBroker. It's technical writing, but the pay is more immediate than the mythical residual ad revenue from HubPages. Yes, pay. Honest to goodness dollars. Clients post articles that they need written, and you as a freelance writer claim these "offers" for a certain price per word. So far I've made about fifty bucks and I've only been doing it for a few days. It translates to something around five or six dollars an hour right npw, but you've got to start somewhere, and it's not bad for a supplemental gig that I can do during the downtime at my real job.
So far I've written about Six Sigma certification, ladder bookshelves, carnival party games, FedEx's Walk This Way child safety initiative, and country style hallways. I've got an article on Trivial Pursuit waiting for me to get to tomorrow morning. As you can see, there's a wide variety of articles available - I even saw one on how to buy a sex toy for your girl. I didn't take that one. It's really interesting, though, and I'm enjoying gradually learning new things. I'm only taking stuff I feel comfortable writing, but I'm pretty good at research, and as I write more, I learn more which in turn allows me to write more to learn new things and so on and so on. I'm having fun with it.
I'm also getting ideas for new HubPages articles. At this point, the HubPages stuff is on the back burner. It's stuff to write when there's nothing biting over at TextBroker. Up front money comes first. I can always build the residual income articles in between.
It would be nice if I could get in a groove with this and build a career in freelancing. It's not the most creative of work, but it's interesting and something I do well. I see it as a continual supply of writing exercises. Technical writing can only help my creative writing.
Time for bed now. More writing tomorrow.