Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NY Drivers

I need to get something off my chest.

Can anyone explain New York drivers to me? Let me elaborate:

I commute to work via the turnpike/Rt. 78. Now, invariably, and at least once, there is a car in the left lane doing 10-15 miles slower than everyone else. And invariably, this person is from New York. Is there a reason that they can't get into the right lane, which has NO CARS in it and let the ten cars behind them go the speed they want to go? This leads to people then getting into the right lane to pass, usually during on-ramp merges and other messy situations, because Jersey drivers are reckless and stupid. But the Jersey drivers aren't at fault here - they're just doing what comes natural. It's the NY drivers causing the bottlenecks and recklessness by not being in the correct lane.

Now, you might say that this is my Jersey bias coming out, but let me give a particular example of the New York obsession with the left lane:

There's one stretch of 78 East between exit 56 and whatever exit 1-9 is. This stretch is a condensed two lanes, no shoulders, and has two on-ramps almost right on top of each other. Bottleneck city, and I'm surprised there aren't more accidents there. So we're going 75mph, normal traffic speed. We pass the two on-ramps, and then all of a sudden this car goes from the right lane to the left lane and SLOWS DOWN to about 55-60 mph. There were no cars in front of him in either lane. No fork in the road forcing him to choose a lane. No reason for this whatsoever. He just decided to get in front of a flowing lane of traffic and make them all hit their breaks. When he finally did get back into the right lane and I passed him, I noticed: NY.


Don't even get me started on PA drivers... they're just crazy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Painting Day

I'm posting this from the computer that's now hooked up to our awesome 40" HD LCD TV. Unfortunately, I need to get a new mouse for it. It seems that the mouse that used to work upstairs no longer works after hooking the computer up downstairs. So I have one of my wireless mouses hooked up, but it's no good for gaming because it doesn't play well when I'm using the wireless internets. The signals kinda interfere with each other.

I'm waiting for paint to dry, and I figured blogging and generally being productive elsewhere was more fun than watching said paint dry. Actually, it's primer, not the actual paint coats yet, but I'm just getting started. I'm finally painting the front wall in the living room that connects into the dining room (there's no doorway, but there's an open walkway that looks like it might have contained at least an archway or doorway at one point). The dining room half of it is painted, and just cuts off at the border with the living room. I'm finally getting off my ass to do at least that much of the living room. Painting the rest of the living room is a daunting prospect because of all the furniture that has to be moved... not to mention the fake brick and the wood paneling. But I kinda forgot that I actually like doing this, especially with the computer down here so I can log into Pandora and have all sorts of music playing, and I can do stuff like blog while I wait between coats.

I'm also taking pictures of my craft stuffs so I can get them listed on Etsy tonight finally. The battery for my kickass camera is charging at the moment. There will be pictures eventually in my other blog for Crifmer Creations (http://crifcreations.blogspot.com). Maybe I'll put up a picture of the living room wall, too, just because I can. :) Not in the CC blog, but in this one. It's kinda silly to put it up there.

Time to go check the first coat.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blog? Blog blog? Blog blog blog bloggity blog?

I saw this and thought it might be neat.

I'd been thinking about blogging again, but I generally have nothing to say. Facebook disappointed me with their simple notes system. Not really set up for blogging.

I don't know why I'm not staying with Livejournal. Maybe I'm just giving Blogger a trial run and it'll turn out to not be as good as Livejournal. Then I'll go back to not blogging at all.

Although it seems like I can have multiple blogs on here all linked to the same account, which is nice, because I want to do a Spore blog. Write about my adventures in Spore from the perspective of the creature, with pictures. Maybe even get feedback and evolve by committee.

Anyway, I has a new blog. Whee.